Three Things To Say
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I have a new cousin.
She is my third cousin.
Not third-cousin,
But the third of the three first-cousins that I have.
Her name is Mei Lin.
And she is from China.
And she is beautiful.
Hark wrote an excellent, excellent post on her (complete with more cuteful pictures) here:
The Ink and Quill of Hark - Mei Lin
Go. See. You know you want to.
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Pictures to follow.
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I discovered afresh yesterday the glories of duct tape. We had Rowan and her brother over to our house, you see, and it was most epicfulness. We made a video, you see. And I shan't show it to you, you see, because it would reveal our secret identities! *gasps of horror* Suffice to say that the video involved random disappearances, and a pile of shoes, and even - *gulp* - a spatula. By the end, we all had our mouths duct taped, and let me assure you that it made communication extremely difficult.
Have you ever tried directing six caffeinated people to do a scene when all your mouths are sealed shut and the room echoes with muted mumbles and snorted laughter and arm-waving?
It's very exciting.
It's a life-enriching experience.
I recommend it highly.
It brightens one's day and heightens one's appreciation for vocal communication.