December 20, 2010


A collection of comics (you should be able to see them best if you click on them) that I've clipped from various issues of the illustrious WORLD magazine. They concern the effect of technology on humanity... my favorite is the top left. :)

Also worthy of note - Millard has posted on his blog an interview with author Amanda Bradburn, writer of The Keepers of Elenath. It's short, simple, informative, and worth checking out!


Jake said...

ROTAL! Excellent whisper! Thanks for sharing. :D

Vrenith said...

ROFL!! I have to agree with you, the top left is the best.

Esther Grace said...

Wow ... sobering, isn't it? Though it causes a chuckle or two. :)
~ Esther Grace

Anonymous said...

Haha! As a photographer who can't stand Cell Phone Cameras the bottom right is the best for me. :) :) :P

Thanks for sharing!

*Still chuckling at comics*

Precentor said...

Hehe, those were all fun :) I think..the top right is my favorite. I've seen some things scarily close :P

whisper said...

Thank you, Jake and Vrenith. :)

Esther - sobering indeed, yet a humorous way of portraying it.

Glad you liked them, GA!

As have I, Millard, as have I...

Unknown said...

I laughed at the upper left one! The lower left one is a very sad picture though. I hope there aren't truly any families who have dinner like that!

whisper said...

Heh, I laughed as well. :) The lower left is sobering, and I'm sure there are indeed families like that... sad.
