This is, personally, the most hilarious thing I have ever heard. ^_^
Please listen to it all the way through. If you can't make it to the end, I understand. It's OK. Those brave souls who forge onward to the epic climax are generally scarred for life, and some have even had to go through traumatic therapy. But I advise hearing it through to the bitter end. It builds gloriously.
murry christmus,
Therapy time. And I may need to go to the hospital. I think damaged something when I (almost literally) laughed my head off. O_o
Ouch. I think my ears are permanently damaged.... *staggers away*
Just goes to show that music is more than just hitting the right notes. O_o
I must say, this guy is actually pretty talented. It's not easy to sing like that, purposefully or otherwise. Glorious, glorious build...
*joins Jake in therapy room and promptly collapses*
Jake - yeah, Sting and I almost collapsed our larynxes the first time we played this.
Pathfinder - all right over there? *waves PF stagger off* *yells louder* ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?
Ninja Tim - I know. o_O It actually does take a bizarre kind of skill. You have to know the rules in order to break them so badly. XD Taking breaths in all the wrong places, soaring with the notes all over the spectrum.... beautiful.
Uh, maybe...*cutches ears*...I'm not sure....
It's a new method of torture, that song. *evil laugh* I'll have to share this with my family at dinner tonight. >:]
*Staggers over to wall and collapses*
A new and highly advanced form of torture. *wise nod* I've used it myself on several occasions, and it has almost always induced groans and/or screams for mercy.
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